So, evidently Jessica Simpson created another fragrance named, oddly enough, "I Fancy You." Now this bothers me for a couple reasons. 1. "I Fancy You?" No, don't drag one of my favorite verbs into your ugly packaged fragrance. I guess her other fragrances also use the word "fancy," but still. I feel like that's just, no. I hate it. And I'm sure it smells like baby powder and lavender or something sleepy smelling. 2. Why do I think it smells like baby powder and lavender or something sleepy smelling? Well, have you looked at the ad? She looks tired. And bored. But I guess she always looks like that. I don't know. I think I want to like her, but then she does things like this and I'm like "Come on Jessica Simps. You can do better than that. You can. I'm sure. Okay, well, maybe. I believe in you? Kinda." But I guess it could be worse, she's not dating John Mayer anymore. Silver lining, people. I'm determined.
(Via Go Fug Yourself)
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