Thursday, January 10, 2013

Emma Stone (& Mr. Whatever)

Let me start off by saying Happy Oscar Nomination Day! I am at my best during awards season. I really am. I mean, yeah, work is already awards season crazy but I live for it. With that being said, I am having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that 1. Leonardo DiCaprio was snubbed by the Academy. Again. I don't know if you saw "Django Unchained" yet, but it was so great and he was even better. I can't even deal. Also, I read the nominations this morning and didn't notice his snub until like, the 18th time I read it. #sad 2. I'm really mad that Seth MacFarlane is hosting this year. It really upsets me. Hence me calling him Mr. Whatever. But whatever, this morning at 5:30, the nominations were announced by Mr. Whatever and precious Emma Stone. So I guess that made up for half of it. I don't know if I even like her Andrew GN dress though. This was mostly just a ramble. I don't know. I'm sorry?

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