Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Glamour September 2012

More September issues are flooding in. FLOODING IN, MY FRIENDS. I love September issues. It's up there with a few of my favorite things, Christmas and the Academy Awards, obviously. Victoria Beckham graces the cover of Glamour's September issue and it just feels so repetitive to me. Her last Glamour cover, back in March 2010, was just so similar. She was in a house, eating food, being domestic and "normal." I don't know. Am I the only one bothered by that? Probably. I'm psycho and I've only had 3 sips of coffee, so leave me alone, alright?
We have 3 covers to choose from, evidently. I'm still unsure as to which one I like best. I am just in a pickle. Always. Also, I am still absolutely LOATHING the new placement of Glamour's cover captions. It looks like a bad Photoshop job done by a student.
Her hair is bothering me.
Fierce bitch pose. I adore it.

1 comment:

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