Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Allure January 2011

It is about damn time. Funny story, first. On Sunday, after seeing that Gwyneth Paltrow (stole) graces the cover of InStyle, I angrily Tweeted "Why is Gwyneth Paltrow getting magazine covers & not Leighton Meester? They're in the movie together? Frustration." Then yesterday, I learned that some guy in the movie also got a magazine cover. I once again Tweeted my frustration, "Seriously, the WHOLE cast from "Country Strong" is getting a magazine cover. Everyone, that is, except for Leighton. I don't understand." Then exactly one hour later, I Tweeted this, "The magazine gods heard my cry! Leighton Meester graces the cover of Allure's January cover. Eff. Yes. I did a happy dance." True story. I feel bad for all 72 of my followers for they had to endure my frustrated Tweets. So, in case you didn't catch my excitement, I'm really excited for Leighton to be on Allure's January cover. I mean, Teen Vogue is already taken by Cory Monteith and Lea Michele. Vogue is taken by Natalie Portman (More on that one later). InStyle took Gwyneth Paltrow. Marie Claire took Amy Adams (More on that one later as well). Glamour has Reese Witherspoon, etc. So, Allure was really her only choice. And plus, it's one magazine cover she hasn't done yet. She did Teen Vogue a few years ago. She's done Lucky and InStyle's hair special. Unfortunately, Anna Wintour is still obsessed with Blake Lively (Which I don't mind) and has yet to put Leighton on a Vogue cover, but she does have another movie coming out soon so fingers crossed. Anyways, without further ado, here are the only photos Allure.com has released so far. I threw in some behind the scenes photos too because let's face it, more Leighton = happy Erin. Or something to that effect.
This is the cover shot. It reminds me of her Herbal Essences photos, but I still love it. I keep seeing comments like "It's so posed!" Um, yes. It is posed for it's a cover shot. So shut up and adore her like I do.
Precious. This reminds me of her "Breakfast At Tiffany's" scene in the first season of "Gossip Girl."
Oh, I want this Louis Vuitton raincoat SO bad. I also want to look this good in one. But I guess I can't have everything...
I love her :)

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